What Is Database Integration?
Author: Derek Smith | January 05, 2022
In today’s tech-centric world, businesses rely on information to run smoothly. Since many of today’s businesses function entirely online or in digital spaces, database integration has become more and more critical. Database integration ensures that all stored and shared data is fully aligned, current, clean and readily accessible. Without well-integrated databases, businesses may find themselves with an overwhelming amount of differing, unreliable data that slows down the flow of information.
The Basics of Database Integration
There may be times when one organization would like to create a comprehensive database that integrates information from several disparate systems. Or a merger of two organizations might require that each party’s data be combined (or integrated) into one accessible instance. In other cases, separate organizations may need to integrate their independent operating systems into a combined, single source. Whichever the case, the “merged” system needs to serve as a meaningful, accurate and trustworthy pipeline of information. The process of integration should ensure that the data is organized, cleansed, articulated, consolidated and stored in a such a way that all stakeholders have access to accurate information.
Benefits of Database Integration
Data Integrity, Accuracy and Quality
Because “big data” is currently the driving source of quality in business analytics and intelligence, the need for painfully concise, accurate and reliable database integration cannot be ignored. The sheer quantity of data is staggering for many organizations, not to mention the critical nature of its use, making the benefits of proper integration, done right, the clear winner in any cost-benefit assessment.
Regulatory Compliance
Many businesses and organizations are held to regulatory standards, most often required by government oversight. As such, government and regulatory operating standards require compliance from businesses often informed by internal databases. Without effective database integration, the ability to centralize data management is greatly compromised. Without centralized data management, it can become difficult to prove and represent compliance with these regulations.
Control Over Information
Having access to a centralized location of information gives organizations better control—but only when the data and information is accurate. Otherwise, it can be a challenge to efficiently assess data-driven business nuances, identify trends, isolate bottlenecks or effectively analyze data segments. The proper integration of databases and systems establishes centralized control and management of critical information.
Data Availability
When data is stored and managed in multiple database instances, it is nearly impossible for a business to properly analyze and make effective use of the information. Agility and accuracy in data assessment and utilization is paramount in today’s fast moving “information highway.” Businesses and organizations with seamlessly integrated, centralized databases and systems are able to accurately assess information more quickly, giving them a much-needed competitive edge.
Single Source of Truth
An organization’s business data needs to be universally reliable with the ability to share data with an unlimited number of heterogeneous sources. Carefully crafted and articulated database integration creates a unified, single source of business data that can then be accessed and analyzed with confidence.
Ready To Start Database Integration?
Whitebox Technologies can use a variety of database integration techniques to help your organization take advantage of the many benefits that come from a unified, agile, accurate source of data. We also ensure that the process is done according to up-to-date, industry-wide, best practices. Afterall, we do this every day. Contact us today if you are ready to get started.