Database Integration Service

In every database, information is stored using an applied set of protocols. But outside of that, each database is unique. Relationships between data fields vary from system to system. Even naming conventions vary between databases. So, why does this matter? When it comes to integrating information between variant systems, it’s not as easy as “copy and paste.” The data fields, tables and protocols from one system will not likely match with the other system. Unfortunately, many organizations, and those poor souls assigned to database integration projects, realize this too late. It’s only after they stare numbly at the aftermath of colliding databases, ears left ringing, that they realize the resulting mess left on their hands.

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We Have your back

White Box Technologies helps organizations and businesses of all types and sizes with complete and accurate data management and database integration solutions. Our goal is to prevent collisions before they begin—but if you find yourself in the middle of project where integrating data has gone awry, we are here to help organizations work through that as well.

So why try to handle that dreaded database integration project on your own, and risk the inherent pitfalls and migraines? After all, our clients save time and money—while at the same time benefitting from a better solution to integrate data.

For questions, or to receive a quote for a database integration project,

please contact us today.
Integration Infographic

Database integration is about integrating or transferring data from disparate systems into an accurate, meaningful and trusted pipeline of information. A database integration project done well allows you to move data from various sources accurately and effectively between these systems. In other words, when a sheriff’s department needs to share critical information with a court, but they’re both on different databases, White Box has the experience, proprietary integration tools and technology needed to ensure that critical data is integrated accurately and efficiently.

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